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    Ceramic Fiber Paper Insulation shipped to Philippines
    Posted by:rosewool    Date:08.Jun.2017
    June 8th, 2017. Rosewool Insulation Refractory Co.,Ltd. shipped ceramic fiber paper insulation , with density 250kg/m3, thickness 0.6-0.8mm, to Philippines.

    ceramic fiber paper insulation,ceramic fiber paper,insulation,ceramic fiber insulation

    Ceramic fiber paper has excellent thermal insulation properties and construction performance, suitable used in deep processing (multi-layer composite, punching, etc.), and has excellent resistance to molten infiltration, used for casting washer separation in the construction and glass industries.

    ceramic fiber paper insulation,ceramic fiber paper,insulation,ceramic fiber insulation

    Features of Ceramic Fiber Paper:
    1. Low thermal capacity
    2. Low thermal conductivity
    3. Excellent electrical insulation properties
    4. Excellent machining performance
    5. High strength, tear resistance
    6. High flexibility
    7. Low slag content
    8. Excellent fire proof property

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