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    The Resilience of Ceramic Fiber Blanket
    Posted by:Yolanda     Date:21.Dec.2018
    The resilience of ceramic fiber blankets is the resilience of refractory fibre products when the thickness is reduced to 50% of the original thickness, which is expressed by the ratio of the thickness after unloading and restoration to the original thickness. Of course , the higher the resilience, the better. The national standard of ceramic fibers and products stipulates that the resilience of refractory fibre blankets should exceed 80%. For example, the 50 mm thickness of ROSEWOOL ceramic fibre blankets should be pressed to 25 mm under a certain pressure and maintained for 5 minutes after unloading pressure. The calculated resilience rate should not be less than 80%, that is, the thickness should not be less than 40 mm.

    refractory fiber blanket

    The refractory fiber blanket can be divided into three categories: alkaline soil silicate fiber, aluminium silicate fiber and polycrystalline fiber. The service temperature of alkaline soil silicate fiber blanket is about 700 C, the service temperature of aluminium silicate fiber blanket is about 850-1280 C, and the service temperature of polycrystalline fiber blanket is about 1281-1550 C. 

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